Unique to the Linda Filby Team is an exclusive end-to-end home staging service. We believe so strongly in the power of staging that we created an independently owned staging warehouse. The LFT Staging Warehouse provides our seller clients with complimentary access to beautiful home accessories, small furnishings and home staging props.

  • The Linda Filby Team staging services include:
  • Staging Consultation
  • Staging plan and timeline
  • Staging implementation
  • De-staging services
  • Vetted contractor, electrician & painter recommendations
  • Vetted packing & clean-out services

As a seller, you have access to our professional staging team. This team is fully committed to successfully creating the pre-listing foundation for your home - this foundation is your marketing plan’s foundation. AND, we cover the cost as a compliment to our clients.

Call for your complimentary and confidential consultation.

Schedule a Call with Linda Filby